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Responsive Web Design.

Responsive Web Design makes your web page look good on all devices (desktops, tablets, and phones). Responsive Web Design is about using CSS and HTML to resize, hide, shrink, enlarge, or move the content to make it look good on any screen.

Responsive web design is a relatively new approach to website design that ensures users have a good viewing experience no matter what type of device they’re using. It’s become increasingly important over the last few years as mobile device ownership has exploded and traditional PC sales have slowed. And now that Google is prioritizing mobile-friendly sites in its search results algorithm, it’s essential to make sure your site is optimized for mobile by using responsive design

The Backstory

Initially, after the launch of the iPhone, the trend was to build separate sites depending on whether a person visited the site from a desktop computer or a mobile device. While it was easier from a development perspective, there were a significant number of drawbacks. The downsides included increasing maintenance costs, having to promote and maintain separate sites for SEO rankings and even having to build different mobile sites for different types of mobile devices.

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Development Principles

Responsive web design consists of three development principles. To work properly, all three of these need to be implemented:

  • Fluid grids
  • Flexible images and media
  • Media queries

Flexible grid-based layout is the cornerstone of responsive design. It uses relative sizing to fit the content to the device’s screen size. The term “grid” is a little misleading because it’s not necessary to implement any of the available grid frameworks. Instead, CSS is used to position the content. This approach is based on percentages and is a departure from traditional pixel-based design principles. Responsive design moves away from the pixel-based approach because a pixel on one device could be eight pixels on another device. By basing text size, widths, and margins on percentages, a fixed size can be turned into a size relative to its display space.

Media queries

Media queries, also known as breakpoints, can be used to apply different styles based on the capabilities of the device. The website detects the type of device you’re using or the size of your web browser and correctly displays the page. To see this in action, stretch the window of your web browser to different sizes. Notice how the page adjusts. Features can be used to control the width, height, max-width, max-height, device-height, orientation, aspect ratio, etc.

Flexible Images and Media

This feature allows you to adapt images and other media to load differently, depending on the device, either by scaling or using the CSS overflow property. Scaling in CSS is relatively straightforward—the media element’s max width can be set at 100 percent, and the web browser will make the image shrink and expand depending on its container. An alternative to scaling media is to crop it with CSS. Applying overflow:hidden allows images to be cropped dynamically so that they fit into their containers.

Search Engine Optimization.


Search Engine Optimization.

SEO is short for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) — including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

SEO is short for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) — including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. - Webopedia In simple terms or without a lot of technical jargon we could explain SEO or search engine optimization as making sure that your website appears on top of the results that comes when you do a web search using a search engine. To do this a lot of techniques are used. The most commonly used technique is using the correct/ appropriate or relevant key words that would be used to search for you or your website in the content that you add to your website. The key advantage of using SEO techniques is having your website listed on the top of a search result page. This helps the viewers to find you easily. Finding you easily would bring more viewers to your website and more visitors means more business or sharing more knowledge with the community. Another advantage of SEO is that you could take your website to the top of search result without making any payment to search engines. Rather than paying search engines to show your website on the top of a search result; it’s cost effective to do SEO on the website that you are going to publish or revamp your existing websites to map with SEO techniques. When you pay to search engines your website will be displayed as an advertisement but when proper SEO is done your site will appear on the top of the result list.

We Enrich Arcane Sri Lanka; as an innovative and a creative web development firm in Sri Lanka; we believe in giving the most cost effective solution to our clients. As most of the development firms in Sri Lanka doesn’t offer the benefits of SEO; we enrich arcane Sri Lanka work hard to make sure that our clients makes the most of modern SEO techniques. As a Sri Lankan web designing and development firm we provide tips and guidelines to our clients or we ourselves do the content writing for the client. As a leading web designing company in Sri Lanka we grantee our clients that we provide them the best and the most cost effective solution. Not only optimized for search engines we also make sure that your website is responsive (i.e.: optimized to view through mobile devices as well). We also carry out social media marketing campaigns and social media maintenances for our clients giving them a competitive advantage in the market by directly addressing the required audience.

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